
My First Alexa Skill – K.I.S.S.

first skill 1400 My First Alexa Skill - K.I.S.S.

Throughout my years in technology I have been confronted with the reality that I need to always keep learning, staying on top of or ahead of what is new. Getting a solid understanding of a technology can be overwhelming. The urge to swallow it all up in one bite tends to. Be both tempting and daunting at the same time.

Years ago, a fellow developer who I hold in high regards advised me that when attempting to learn a new development platform, begin be taking a simply project from beginning to end. Focus on learning the process on what is involved from taking project from inception to completion instead of getting lost in trying to absorb every detail of the platform. 

This is exactly how approached my first Skill for Alexa, “Tips for Runners”. My goal was not to create something earth shattering, but instead to get familiar with the tools and the process.  I wanted to avoid the trap of getting so hung up in getting something so slick I never actually get it done.

The result was a “Tips For Runners”, providing useful suggestions for athletes who run or are looking to start running. I consider it a solid Skill, that serves a purpose to an audience, but more importantly allowed me to go through the development process and learn much along the way, knowledge I can continue to build upon.

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